2024 Inspired Atlantic Cruise with Oceania Cruises Gallery

2024 Inspired Atlantic: Trans-Atlantic Cruise including Belgium, France, Ireland, Canada and the United States, with Oceania Cruises and tour managers Dean and Annette Mizumura!

The “2024 Inspired Atlantic Cruise” with Oceania Cruises, hosted by Dean and Annette Mizumura, was an amazing trip across the Atlantic on the Insignia ship. The group enjoyed wandering through the canals of Bruges, visiting the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Rouen, and exploring Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral. They also took in the unique rock formations at the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland and the scenic Cliffs of Sliabh Liag in Ireland. The gallery offers a peek into the enjoyable experiences and sights from this relaxed and memorable journey.

Ship: Oceania Insignia
Tour Managers: Dean and Annette Mizumura

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