2024 Summer Ultimate Tokaido Road Tour Gallery

Recapping our 2024 Summer Ultimate Tokaido Road Tour with Tour Manager Dave Umeda!

We started our journey in Tokyo with fantastic views from the Tokyo Skytree, even with Mt. Fuji faintly visible in the background. Our sushi-making lunch was a big hit, with everyone enjoying fresh sashimi, sushi, shrimp tempura, and a mochi dessert. The Sensoji Temple and Nakamise shopping street were crowded, but the group enjoyed exploring and shopping at Ameyoko’s tax-free shops. We ended our day with an enjoyable Izakaya dinner, where everyone could drink as much as they wanted.

Our visit to Mt. Fuji was a highlight, capturing stunning views from the 5th Station. At Owakudani, we experienced the legend of the Black Egg, which adds seven years to your life. We stayed at the newly renovated Hakone Hotel Kowakien, where both the dinner and breakfast buffets were excellent. In Hiroshima, our visit to the Peace Memorial Park was memorable, with the group exploring the Atomic Bomb Dome and the Museum. From smooth Shinkansen rides to cultural experiences in Kyoto, our journey was filled with delicious meals and unforgettable memories.

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