Sadako’s Wish Premieres on Dec. 7, 2023
KHON2, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, 9:30-10pm
KHII, Sunday, Dec.10, 2023, 8-8:30pm
KHON, Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023, 8-8:30pm
CW, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023, 6:30-7pm
KHII, Saturday, Dec. 22, 2023, 7-7:30pm

About Sadako’s Wish
Can a child’s wish change the world? Perhaps, especially if the child is Sadako Sasaki, a Hiroshima girl who inspired millions around the world with her story of patience, determination and faith.
Sadako was two when the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima. Although she survived, the effects of radiation poisoning eventually caught up to her and thousands of others. The Japanese folk legend of the thousand cranes gave her hope. It is said if you fold a thousand paper cranes, the fates grant you one wish. Her wish for recovery changed over the years to include a future where no child would suffer from war. After her death at the age of twelve, classmates took up her mission, which continues today as her message of peace resonates throughout the world in these troubled times.
Ohana Arts Theatre has received rave reviews for “Peace on Your Wings,” its musical interpretation of Sadako’s journey, starring 45 students from Hawaii public and private schools, ages 4 to 17. The play’s acclaim reached Hiroshima prefecture, where Mayor Katsumi Matsui extended an invitation to perform the musical in Sadako’s hometown.
“Sadako’s Wish” follows the young cast as they prepare for this historic performance. The students share how Sadako’s story inspired them to overcome their own mental health battles with depression and Covid isolation. Audiences express their appreciation for the empathy and understanding from this American Youth theatre from Hawaii, which has deepened cultural ties between the two countries and continued the mission of Sadako’s wish.

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