Cliff Nakamura

Non-Stop Travel Tour Manager Cliff Nakamura
Cliff (front) enjoying his tarai bune boat ride on Sado Island, Japan.
Cliff (front) enjoying his tarai bune boat ride on Sado Island, Japan.

Get to Know Cliff

Tell us a little about yourself.

I was born in Yokohama Japan, grew up all over the US and lived for 3 years in Berlin, Germany.

What did you do for work before becoming a Tour Manager?

For 25 years, I was a Region Manager, for a Fortune 500 Company.

What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

Golf – Travel – Golf

Where is your favorite place to travel? What is your favorite thing to do there?

Tokyo, Japan – do everything, see everything, and eat everything!!!

What do you like most about being a Tour Manager?

Over the past decade, it’s been a privilege, to take Hawaii people to experience the Amazing Destinations, in our Non-Stop Wonderful World of Travel.

Is there anything else you’d like our tour members to know about you?

My proudest accomplishment at NST, is to have created and manage the Non-Stop Training Academy, for Tour Management. Our Graduates are the “Very Best” in our Industry.

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